Take part in the research

This post was about taking part in research on smart learning journeys, for informal and formal smart learning. It was aimed at potential research collaborators to explain smart learning and how it uses mobile location based apps for access to subject content to learn about places and people while out and about in the real world.

Categories: general | tutorials-and-guides

Take part in the research, By Pen Lister. October 27, 2018. Categories: General, Tutorials and Guides Tags: technology, learning-design

title text here

I’m keen to hear from higher education academics who might be interested in creating a journey and running it with their students, undergrad or post grad. So what’s involved in taking part in smart learning research? This page tells you what you need to know.

Creating the journey

  • Choose your topic and suitable real world locations. (I’ll create a map of your journey)
  • Select 5 or 6 Points of Interest – ‘stable features’ in the real world such as signs, plaques, or street furniture along the way
  • Take photos of the ‘stable features’ – good quality smartphone images are fine. Send those to me
  • Choose content to attach to each location feature so we can ‘attach’ it as an augmentation. Webpages, images, video or audio. (I can host content for you on this website.)
  • I will create the augmentations! (I use HP Reveal.)
  • Create a task or tasks (questions to answer, content you want your students to create, an assignment relevant to the locations, discussion topics…).
  • Ask students for discussion or reflections using an online platform: a forum in the VLE, a Facebook group which can be set up for the purpose, or an app such as Edmodo.
  • Use ‘participatory’ active learning design – get students doing things, collaborating, creating content.
  • Go and check the AR in the locations works! If all is good, that’s it.

Taking part in the journey

  • A short information meeting with your students (and me, via Skype, if you like) beforehand, on using the app and taking part in the journey – OR reviewing a simple guide (slides) online that explains what to do (see below for examples)
  • Download and install mobile app HP Reveal (iPhone or Android), create an account and ‘follow’ the journey AR
  • Use Google Maps for the route see below for link example (I’ll create a map of your journey)
  • Walk along the route, either as a group or on an individual basis
  • Use HP Reveal at each augmented feature in the locations to access the AR content
  • Participants collaborate as part of their activity
  • Participants are asked to take photos or video at a few locations to upload to the online area and share with others in the group, to add to their reflections.

Please refer to the page Downloads, Literary London & Malta Democracy, or use the links below. (NB, in the original webpage there were direct links to Google ‘Slide Guides’, which have now been replaced with local site links to the relevant content.)



The research

  • A short questionnaire (12 multi-choice questions) is given before the interview begins. It can be completed online here: https://form.jotformeu.com/80171570382352
  • Research interviews (one-to-one) are usually about 30 minutes, very informal and ask various questions to gain understanding of participant experience in the journey. They are recorded, and all data is made completely anonymous.
  • I also look at digital content made by participants as part of the research
  • Interviews can be via Skype, or face 2 face in London area (me to fly over to London)
  • All participation in the research is voluntary, confidential, covered and cleared by the ethics procedures of your institution