Research project is now finished

This post was the last entry published on the smart learning website, to conclude the doctoral research project which ran from 2016-2021.

Categories: general

Research project is now finished, By Pen Lister. March 15, 2022. Categories: General. Tags:

A view of students with their backs to us

This doctoral research project is now completed. I defended my PhD successfully in August 2021, after submitting the draft thesis for examination in early November 2020. Due in part to Covid I did not graduate until January 2022.

I have published and continue to publish numerous papers about the research itself and about other aspects that arise out of the research. I have also presented for the past three years (update: five years 2020-2024) at the Human Computer Interaction International conference, in the Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions track, chaired by Dr H. Patricia McKenna. My Orcid is

The project was a very interesting and diverse area to work in, full of flexible and innovative ideas about learning, participatory pedagogy and research, placing learning in the hands of the learners themselves.

I would like to thank everyone who took part, the tutors who devised their journey topic and content, those who supported the gathering of data, and who assisted in analysis.

Pen Lister /2022