Malta Democracy Map

This post is intended for use with the Malta Democracy walking tour and smart learning activities.

Categories: malta-democracy

Malta Democracy Map, By Pen Lister. March 1, 2018. Categories: Maltese Democracy. Tags: maps.

This is the Malta Democracy Smart Learning Journey. This journey includes ten locations, beginning at the Unesco sign at City Gate, Valletta, and ending at the Sette Giugno monument in St George’s Square. Using the Aurasma mobile app to access augmented reality digital content about each location, learners experience an authentic context for their learning. Edmodo is used for learner collaboration and uploading learner generated content.

There will be a variety activity types available for smart learning experiences, with instructions and guide information provided in each Edmodo learning group.

What you need to do:

  • Turn on location on your phone (don’t worry, none of your personal data is captured)
  • Set up an account in Aurasma/HP Reveal
  • Search/follow the maltademocracy Aurasma user channel to access augmented reality content (aka ‘auras’).

  • Set up an account in Edmodo, to work with your group on the activity, upload content, share and discuss content with others in your group

Journey Locations

The route seen in the map contains all location points. All locations provide Augmented Reality ( AR ) content (learning stops). Two locations do not have associated tasks (indicated below).

  • City Gate
  • Parliament
  • Palazzo Ferreria
  • Great Siege Monument
  • Law Courts/Guido De Marco
  • Republic Square, Piazza Regina
  • Grand Masters Palace
  • Republic Plaque (no tasks)
  • Independence Plaque (no tasks)
  • Sette Giugno Monument