St Olave's, Literary London

This post is intended for use with the Literary London walking tour and smart learning activities and was originally only available via the Aurasma AR trigger.

Categories: literary-london

St Olave’s, Literary London, By Pen Lister. October 9, 2017. Categories: Literary London, Learning Journeys. Tags: learning-point, London.

St Olaves church

This post is intended for use with the Literary London walking tour and smart learning activities and was originally only available via the Aurasma AR trigger.

This was the parish church of Samuel Pepys, the celebrated Restoration diarist whose account of life in London in the period 1660-1669 gives us a first-hand impression of the Great Plague of 1665 and the Great Fire of 1666. Because the diaries were private and not intended for publication they also offer us an extraordinary insight into the habits, passions and interests of Pepys’s time, and open up a world of court intrigue, society ambition, naval politics and the trials and pleasure of domestic life.

Late commonwealth, Restoration. Church dedications to St Olave suggest the presence of Scandinavian traders in London. 13 th c. crypt wall. Gateway 1658. Church gutted in 1941. Pepys built a gallery door in south wall for Navy Office worshippers. Note also the bust of Pepys’s wife Elizabeth, 1669, in the interior to the upper left of the altar, looking towards where her husband would have sat in the gallery.

Point of Interest: The Ship, Pevsner, ‘most enjoyable late Victorian pub exterior’, 1887.

Aspects of this place to think about

Note the age of the church relative to its neighbouring buildings. Pepys was employed at the Naval Office on Seething Lane and you can see his bust in the park nearby where the office was located. Think about the strategic location of Pepys’s house to the Naval Office by the river and the Tower, and the distance from this location to other places important to Church and Court: St Paul’s, the Palace of Westminster, and to the naval dockyards further east at Greenwich and Deptford. Pepys would have moved between these locations all the time. How long would it take you to get to these places now? How long would it have taken Pepys in the 1660 s?

Sense the changing history of this building and imagine who might have visited and why they came here. Investigate activities that may have occurred and times in history that this building offered sanctuary.

  • Visitors: rich and poor
  • Civil War puritanism vs Restoration freedoms
  • Historical events important to this church
  • Buildings that survived the Great Fire of 1666
  • Modern economy of the City of London and its expression in architecture

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St Olave’s Resources

By Pen Lister October 9, 2017

Further resources for St Olave, Hart Street, London.

Samuel Pepys, in his own words (video)

An animated voice over of Pepys reading entries from his journal about the plague

Medieval London St Olave’s (resources)

Further links from the medieval London website

Leake’s Survey of the City

After the Great Fire of 1666 - Engraved By W. Hollar, 1667

Animated flyover of London before the Great Fire of 1666

3 D modelled video created by six students at De Montfort University

Inhabitants of London in 1638: St. Olaves, Hart Street

A fascinating list of people who paid rent for premises in the parish of St Olaves

Images of the Great Plague

Guildhall library Pinterest page about the Great Plague of 1665

Buildings that survived the Great Fire

Buildings that survived the Great Fire

Pepys on the Great Fire of London

Pepys on the Great Fire - see especially Sept 2, 3, 4, 5 1666

Entries in Pepys’s diaries about St Olave’s

St Olave Hart Street (‘St Ghastly Grim’)

St Olave Hart Street (‘St Ghastly Grim’)

St Olave Hart Street is one of the few medieval churches to survive the Great Fire of London […] the burial place of Samuel Pepys

Tales of St Ghastly Grim from Hidden London

Pepys lived in the parish for 14 years and his diary includes many observations of goings-on at St Olave’s services.