Leadenhall, Literary London

This post is intended for use with the Literary London walking tour and smart learning activities and was originally only available via the Aurasma AR trigger.

Categories: literary-london

Leadenhall, Literary London, By Pen Lister. October 9, 2017. Categories: Literary London, Learning Journeys. Tags: learning-point, London

Leadenhall Market entrance 1881

This post is intended for use with the Literary London walking tour and smart learning activities and was originally only available via the Aurasma AR trigger.

Leadenhall Market, mentioned in John Stow and Daniel Defoe Designed by Sir Horace Jones 1880-1, restored 1990-1. Note the 19 th c. shutters and spiked racks for game. First market in 1321, for foreigners to sell poultry. 1445-6, Lord Mayor Simon Eyre pays for reconstruction and grain store to reduce dependency on external suppliers.

Daniel Defoe, A tour thro’ the whole island of Great Britain, divided into circuits or journies (1724-27), on Leadenhall Market:

Of the fourteen flesh markets, or markets for provisions, seven of them are of antient standing, time out of mind: But the other seven are erected since the enlargement of buildings mentioned above. The old ones are, Leaden-Hall, Honey-Lane, Newgate Market, Southwark, Clare, St. James’s, and Westminster; and these are so considerable, such numbers-of buyers, and such an infinite quantity of provisions of all sorts, flesh, fish, and fowl, that, especially the first, no city in the world can equal them. ‘Tis of the first of these markets, that a certain Spanish ambassador said, There was as much meat sold in it in one month, as would suffice all Spain for a year.

This great market, called, Leaden-Hall, though standing in the middle of the city, contains three large squares, every square having several outlets into divers streets, and all into one another. The first, and chief, is called, the Beef Market, which has two large gates, one into Leaden Hall Street, one into Gracechurch Street, and two smaller, viz. One by a long pav’d passage leading into Limestreet, and one under a gateway from the second square. In this square, every Wednesday is kept a market for raw hides, tann’d leather, and shoemakers tools; and in the warehouses, up stairs on the east and south sides of the square, is the great market for Colechester bayes.

The second square is divided into two oblongs, in the first is the fish market, and in the other, a market for country higlers, who bring small things, such as pork, butter, eggs, pigs, country dress’d, with some fouls, and such like country fare.

The north part of the fish market, the place being too large for the fishmongers use, are the stalls of the town butchers for mutton and veal, the best and largest of which, that England can produce, is to be bought there, and the east part is a flesh market for country butchers.

The third, and last square, which is also very large, is divided into three parts: Round the circumference, is the butter market, with all sorts of higglary goods, as before: The south part is the poultry market, and the bacon market, and the center is an herb market.

From: http://www.visionofbritain.org.uk/travellers/Defoe/19

Aspects of this place to think about

Look around and take in the architecture and atmosphere. Take photographs, shoot some video, as your own resources will come in useful later.

  • Commerce and retail in the market now
  • Pubs and Taverns – look at the exteriors and interiors of the market pubs
  • Historical business and industry – the market is on the route to and from London Bridge, the only river crossing for hundreds of years.
  • Multinational connections – what kinds of international connections and trade existed in the 14 th to 18 th centuries?
  • Contrast with other places nearby – how much 19 th century architecture can you see?

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Featured image is https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leadenhall_Market_entrance_Illustrated_London_New_1881.jpg

Leadenhall Resources

Further resources for Leadenhall Market

Old Tom

A historical famous resident of Leadenhall

Leadenhall Market - medieval london

Collections of relevant links for more on leadenhall exploring

Houses and buildings in Leadenhall St

Historical street and buildings opposite or close to the market

Leadenhall St and the old East India House

Expert information with useful fascinating details about this location

A brief video glimpse of Leadenhall market in 1951

At the end of this Pathe clip you catch a glimpse of Leadenhall, but the video also gives us a view of life more than 60 years ago in this area. A brief video glimpse of Leadenhall market in 1951

Lime Street Ward

Expert information with useful fascinating historical images of Leadenhall Market Lime Street Ward

Leadenhall Market - conservation area (PDF)

Conservation area character summary (Department of Planning & Transportation) Leadenhall Market - conservation area (PDF)

Leadenhall Market at Christmas

Images of Leadenhall over the festive Christmas period, amazing decorations and tree! Leadenhall Market at Christmas